Xinxiang ZhuoMei Machinery Co., Ltd.

Application Industry

化工.pngChemical industry

  Resin, paint, pigment, medicine, medicine, cosmetics, extinguishing agents, plastic powder, PVC resin powder, polyethylene powder, washing powder, etc..

食品.pngFood and Beverage Industry  

  Sugar, gourmet powder, salt, juice, starch, milk powder, food, soy milk, egg flour, rice flour, soy sauce, fishmeal, pineapple juice, citric acid and so on.

粉末.pngPowder Coating Industry

  The powder coating industry involves many chemical products, such as synthetic fibers, plastic materials, dry pigments and dyes, and products can be used in deep processing of products in other industries.

制药.pngPharmaceutical industry

  Companies within the pharmaceutical industry is mainly engaged in pharmaceutical manufacturing, production or processing, the preparation of drugs for human or animal use. These drugs are usually used in finished form suitable for final consumption.

塑料.pngPlastics Industry

  Businesses within the plastics industry to produce plastic resins, as well as natural, synthetic, recycled rubber and other products.

纸张.pngPulp and paper industry

  Pulp and paper industry enterprises are mainly engaged in pulp manufacturing, raw material may come from wood and other cellulose fibers and fabrics waste; paper and cardboard were also involved in the conversion process.

陶瓷.pngCeramic Industry

  Ceramic products are used in a variety of industries, including stone, clay, glass (tableware and other ceramic products); Electronics (transistors) and automotive (spark plugs).

布匹.pngDyeing industry

  Dyeing industry (textiles) including those engaged in fiber preparation, as well as cloth, blankets and carpets and other products manufacturing enterprises. In such operation, enterprises engaged in waste recycling is an important part of processing.

冶金.pngMetallurgical industry

  Ore, zinc oxide, titanium oxide, casting sand, metallurgical powder, electromagnetic material, aluminum powder, various metal powder, etc..

Xinxiang ZhuoMei Machinery Co., Ltd.
+86 0373-7173886
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